, pub-7756794310643535, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 California to Washington
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California to Washington

We left the house in a bit of a rush, our realtor agent told us that our home buyers wanted to move in their 'stuff' as soon as possible and that they had to close their bank loan early. So we accelerated our plans a bit, to accommodate. We shipped packages of Sailing Stuff, Foulies and Nav gear, to Peter's sister in Scotland, filled up the car, kissed our two remaining cats goodbye and then left in a bit of a rush. We sold our old farm SUV on the road and landed that evening in Ukiah, CA. Our first night.

Our first plan was to relocate to Washington State, to meet up with a brokerage there and to check out any boats that may meet our spec.

We chose to drive up scenic highway 101 to the very top of the USA. Hwy-101 essentially follows the west coast line and is a string of fantastic views of some Pacific beaches. California through Oregons Coastal towns then along the West Pacific Coast of Washington.

We followed the chain of Tesla super chargers up the west coast; each spaced perhaps 100 miles apart. The only region, void of chargers is the very north west tip of Washington. So we looked for an EVHotel to stay and charge. The Sand Dollar Inn, in Pacific Beach provided the solution with a nice solid 14-50R supply, run form their laundry room. This place turned out to be a fantastic little penthouse suite, with a full view of the beach. Highly recommended. From Pacific beach it was a relaxed drive though a continuous avenue of dense, magnificent forrest; on a single charge, all the way over to Port Angeles where they have a public J1772 located down town.

A lovely, straight forward drive up north in the rain, except for a couple fo minor events...

We did get pulled over by a very friendly Cop in Astoria, who was responding to us apparently having waved a Gun out of the window on Astoria bridge. But, it was clearly just a frightened person mistaking our bright red GoPro camera for a gun?!?!?!

Dawn has a crown fall out when she ate some 'salt water taffy'. A very cool dentist at the Tillamok Family Dentist stuck it back on her.... with almost no prior notice. Thanks so much , Tillamok Family Dentists!!

And, then Dawn left her nice jacket 'somewhere'.. so we had to get her another one....

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