, pub-7756794310643535, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Seattle - Second Boat Viewing
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Seattle - Second Boat Viewing

Heading south from Vancouver, we made for Seattle. We had two objectives. First we wanted to view another interesting Aluminum sailboat and secondly we wanted to have a chat with the US representative of a French boat builder, Garcia Yachting, which is our current running favorite boat selection.

This new Aluminum boat was docked up in the Seattle Marina. A Besteaver-45. We knew, going in that this boat was not exactly what we were truly after. Her draft was significantly more than we knew would work for river trips, but it was a very interesting boat none-the-less as it's build quality might be at the very top of what is possible. We didn't know much about Bestevaer boats, her boat builder nor what they were all about. It turned out to be a VERY solid boat but with a style that might not be in everyone's taste. It was set to represent the solidity and quality of a North Atlantic Fishing boat, with a solid gunwale, but with a style that seemed somehow to reflect a dutch barge. A kind of 'cute but solid' style that some people might fall in love with: but not really our visual cup of tea. Our tastes tend lean towards the more Modern, High Tech look of a French boat.

We loved this Dutch boat's build quality though. The cabinetry quality was top notch, and most distinctively Dutch. The whole boat, including the top deck and coach roof was thick & solid Aluminum. It was the kind of boat that you would want to be in, if you hit a whale or a container, far out at sea. The color style was fun too; somewhat in line with the lines of the hull. Nothing that a can of paint couldn't fix for us...

Aside form the draft, we didn't like the access to systems however; the engine was buried under a plate in the cockpit, sealed in with goop; we couldn't figure out how a simple oil change would take place without having to unseal this cockpit access plate. And, the electrical systems were all located inside a huge lazarette. These was no second aft birth, as a result.

We loved the transom protection and her integrated passerelle/boarding deck and/or swim ladder, all very well thought out and well integrated. It was a boat that you felt you were sailing in, as opposed to on.

It she had had a ~1m draft, we would have been interested.

On further research, we did discover that this boat, or one similar to it; can be built with a retractable keel. So we'll plan to go visit KMY yachts, in Holland while on our trip in Europe.

If the second aft birth could be turned into a workshop and the engine access improved; this would be a very viable contender to be named, Chloe.

Check out the video of a short walk around....

After the Bestevaer, we decided to return way south to avoid the snow that was now settling into the western rocky mountains. We were already snowed in to the Western States and would have to get way down, below the bottom tip of the US Rockies to be able to drive East...

Back over in Minnesota, Dawn's Mum is waiting for us with Christmas Dinner, (Cheesy Potatoes, Ham, Dinner Rolls and Cookies!... ) and a big cardboard box in the garden for Peter to sleep in.

In this leg, we drove back down the coast from Seattle, as far as Santa Cruz, California; stopping for Redwood Hikes along the way.

This coming week, our plan is to continue to head down south to San Diego, before turning East to avoid the snow.

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