, pub-7756794310643535, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Discovering Atlantis
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Discovering Atlantis

I always wanted to know what happens to astro-poops in space. Are they retained indefinitely in a massive holding tank or are they ejected into space and then attracted gradually by the earth's gravitational field? And if the latter, do they burn up, becoming shooting starts visible to a night sky observer? The next time I see a shooting star, I will wonder again...

We were fortunate enough to be able to learn about practical space survival at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Space Center has become an even more exciting place recently with all the SpaceX Falcon activity. Though we weren't there during any launches, we did get the opportunity to see the Atlantis space shuttle which was built in California and flew 33 missions. It was an incredible display and highly recommended. As an added benefit, we got to see how to poop in space.

Then northward up to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina for some fun at the beach with the drone! We were a big hit with the beach combers as they were intrigued by the drone whizzing by as it shot video along the shoreline. HHI is absolutely full of golf courses and tennis courts which we didn't have the time or equipment to use, but it is a quiet, quaint place for an adult vacation away from children and strip malls. Everyone walks or rides bicycles around town between the various hang-outs: bars, beach, sand volleyball courts, and restaurants.

Next, we are winding down our American driving tour as we have made a decision. After returning from the Bahamas and viewing the Garcia 45 sailboat, Pearl, we decided that this was truly the boat for us and reserved a build scheduled for April 2019. That's it - boat search over! Now, for all the preparation to go and make contact with the team in Cherbourg, France that is currently building about 3-4 of these boats per year. We need to close off the detailed research on the boat systems and configuration, sell the car, see some more American sites, and figure out the best way to get from the American East coast to the French West coast.

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